• Toronto Safe Circumcision
    Toronto Safe Circumcision

 Toronto Safe Circumcision Clinic

At our clinic we provide fast and almost painless circumcision techniques. Circumcision is a surgical procedure by which the foreskin, the skin covering the head of the penis is removed. The procedure is often done as a religious tradition or for cultural reasons.

Though male circumcision could be done at any age, it is commonly done within the first two months of birth. It can also be a medical treatment for problems with the foreskin.


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Toronto Circumcision Clinic

Toronto Circumcision Clinic

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the removal of the foreskin, the fold of skin that covers the head of the penis.

The benefits of male circumcision include a reduced risk of urinary tract infections in childhood, a reduced risk of ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases in adulthood, protection against penile cancer, a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners, and prevention of balanitis ( inflammation of the glands), posthitis (inflammation of the foreskin) and paraphimosis (inability to return the retracted foreskin to its original location).Call us today and schedule an appointment

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How circumcision is performed

How circumcision is performed

Normally, a local anesthetic is given by injection through the skin near the base of the penis. During a circumcision, the foreskin is removed from the head of the penis (glans). Even though the person having the procedure will be awake, there will be no pain while it is being done. After the procedure, some discomfort is expected when the local anesthetic wears off. There are pain-killers that relieve any pain or discomfort.
For newborn babies, circumcision is easier and faster that it is with adolescents and adults. The healing period is much shorter for newborns and infants.

Learn More How Circumcision is Performed

Adult Male Circumcision

Adult Men Adult circumcision is performed at Toronto Safe Circumcision
Under Dr.Bahrami

. Call for a Free Consultation Today!
(905) 475-2506

Benefits and Risks of Circumcision

Circumcision is a procedure that is surrounded by controversy. It is sometimes required for medical reasons, but many make the decision themselves or for theirs sons to be circumcised based on religion, culture, or the belief that it is more hygienic and likely to protect against various health problems. We are prepared to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision on whether or not circumcision is the right choice for you or your son(s).

Benefits and Risks of Circumcision

Benefits of Circumcision

Circumcision may provide the following benefits;


. Make it easier to keep the penis clean
. Reduce the risk of urinary tract infections especially in childhood

- Inflammation of the glans (balanitis) and the foreskin (posthitis)
- The potential for scar tissue on the foreskin, which may also lead to phimosis (inability to retract the foreskin)
- Paraphimosis (swelling of the retracted foreskin resulting in inability to return the foreskin to its normal position)
- Provide a reduced risk of HIV, penile cancer, cancer of the cervix in female sex partners and some sexually transmitted infections (STIs), especially ulcerative disease such as chancroid and syphilis


Learn More About Benefits of Circumcision
Benefits and Risks of Circumcision

Risks of Circumcision

There are risks associated with circumcision. However, they are rare when performed in a well-equipped clinic by a well-qualified doctor with specialized training and experience in circumcision. These risks include:

- Pain
- Bleeding
- Hematoma (formation of a clot under the skin)
- Infection at the site of circumcision
- Increased sensitivity of the glans penis for the first few months after procedure
- Irritation of the glands
- Meatitis ( inflammation of the opening of the urethra)
- Injury to the penis
- Adverse reaction to the anesthetic used during the circumcision

These complications are rare when circumcision is performed by well trained, adequately equipped, experienced health care personnel, and are easily and rapidly resolved

Learn More Risks of Circumcision

Information for parents:

The healing process usually takes about one week. The baby should be brought back to the clinic if any of the following occur in the child:

  • Distressed or pain
  • Fever
  • Failure to wake for feeding as he usually does
  • Feparation of the skin edges
  • Unusual swelling or bleeding
  • Difficulties with urination
  • If the parents have any concerns about healing process

Penile Frenulectomy

Frenulectomy, or Frenectomy, is quite a non-invasive, brief, outpatient procedure that takes only about 20 minutes, and is virtually pain free with local anesthetic. Essentially, it is the removal the tight or short bit of elastic skin called the frenulum, between the shaft of the penis


Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are cut and tied or sealed so as to prevent sperm from entering into the urethra and thereby prevent fertilization of a female through sexual intercourse

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